Friday, October 10, 2008

Debates are Done!

Like many people, I find some of the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates have both entertainment as well as a informative value.  But it is another thing entirely to get up there yourself and have a debate (or even a disussion) in front of a room full of people knowing it will be broadcast on television.

This past Wednesday and Thursday, I was honored to participate in candidate forums with the Chaska Area Chamber of Commerce and the Eastern Carver County League of Women Voters.  Both events had all six candidates for Chaska offices -- Mayor, City Council Ward 2 and City Council Ward 4.

Considering that I really had not engaged in a formal discussion/debate/forum such as these since, probabaly high school, it was a bit nerve-wracking.  The good news is that I don't believe I stuck my foot in my mouth, and (I think) I gave relatively coherent responses to most questions.

For those of you interested in seeing them, they will be broadcast on Chaska Cable channel 15.  Here's the URL to Chaska TV:

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