Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Elections Are Over - Now What?

Now that the elections are finally over, we can all take a deep breath and a sigh of relief that we won't be in the line of fire for the the bitter, embrazened mudslinging and attack ads that we've been bombarded with over the recent weeks.

In the local election, at least for our ward, it was close -- really only 144 votes would have tied it up. In the truest sense of American democracy, every vote counts!

At this point, I'm just glad that its over.

I've learned a tremendous amount over the past couple of months -- about running a campaign, the history of Chaska, what is important to people, and what it takes to get there. This is all stuff that will be helpful to me as I move forward, and possibly look into running for office again in the future.

But I'm not done yet. I still fully intend to be active in our community's development, and to remain focused on doing what I can to ensure that the people of the community live in a city they can be proud of.